Manitoba Stick Tour


The Manitoba Stick Curling Tour was created with the goals to a) Promote 2 Person Stick Curling throughout the Province, b) Promote participation in the many 2 Person Stick Bonspiels throughout the Province, c) Bring the 2 Person Stick Curling Community together regularly throughout the season, d) Involve the Manitoba Stick Curling Association (MSCA) at the curling club level and e) Develop additional Women's events and Women's teams around the Province.

Who we are

The 2024-25 Manitoba Stick Curling Tour Advisory Group include Ralph Nespor (Stonewall CC), Jim Rouse (Warren CC), Jim Webster (Stonewall CC), Harold Peterson (East St. Paul CC), Norm Magnusson (Ft. Rouge CC), Lynne Rehbein (St. Vital CC) and Fred Spiring (St. Vital CC).


How the Tour operates

The MSCT has asked various league executives around the province to provide names/results from their respective bonspiels. The MSCT will accumulate and summarize the MSCT points awarded regularly throughout the curling season. Following the last qualifying event of the 2024-25 season, the MSCT will identify a Women's and Open team champion and offer those teams entry into the MSCA Provincial Championhips.

The MSCT has also communicated to the various curling executives the dates associated with other stick bonspiels in an attempt to avoid events competing on similar dates.

The Manitoba Stick Curling Association (MSCA) has reserved entries to the MSCA Provincials. The MSCA Women's Championship is scheduled for February 14 - 16, 2025 and hosted by East St. Paul CC. The MSCA Open Championship is scheduled for February 21 -23, 2025 and hosted by Stonewall CC.